Children, Adolescents & Young Adults Webinar

In this webinar, frontline multidisciplinary cancer team members, and the parents of a four year old boy currently being treated, talk about the special needs of young patients during cancer treatment & how clinicians & parents can support young people, including during radiation therapy.

Cancer Centre for Children Westmead, Sydney Australia.

Parents, Santosh & Sharine with 4 year old Devansh who received radiation therapy without a general anaesthetic.

Laura Murphy, Paediatric Radiation Therapist.

Tora Sibbald, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Youth Cancer Service
Dr Jennifer Chard, Radiation Oncologist.

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Melbourne .

Daniel Sapkaroski, Radiation Therapist, Videographer & Researcher.

Nigel Anderson, Radiation Therapist & Researcher.

Adelaide Women’s & Children Hospital

Dr Ben Saxon, Medical Unit Head, Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Women & Children’s Hospital Adelaide.

Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre

Ben Engel, Wellness Centre Director, Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre, Victoria.

By sharing national and international examples of compassionate and innovative care we hope to benefit the broader radiation oncology community as well as incorporate innovations into the new proton therapy centre being developed in Adelaide.

This new centre, the Australian Bragg Centre for Proton Therapy and Research, will deliver technologically advanced precision radiotherapy, providing treatment to children, adolescents and adults.

Hosted by Julie McCrossin AM a survivor of head and neck cancer.
Media Production by Daniel Taylor at Insight IT